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Arabic Talent Show (pt. 2)

April 28, 2017

Tonight I went to the second University of Oklahoma Arabic Talent Show, featuring organizations and student clubs!


I am no Arabic expert, so for most of the presentations I could not understand anything, but I did enjoy seeing classmates I know star in their top-quality videos! I really enjoyed the dancing performances— I had no idea there was a belly dancing class at OU?! Overall, the performances helped me see how there are still a good student population that respects diversity and the love to learn!(:


The food, like always, was delicious! It was common mediterranean food, my favorite.

This got me thinking about other languages I would be interested in learning, excluding all the Romance languages (I am already taking Spanish and Italian)! Arabic is a little intimidating for its use of symbols rather than our alphabet! I respect everybody who is learning Arabic for their efforts and patience. I think I would love to take German...

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