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December 1, 2017

I never get tired of the Arabic Talent show at OU— this is my third time to go!


There is always great a great performance by the students: bellydancing, skits, songs, and poetry. The food was AMAZING as usual, but I was on a “fake vegetarian” diet during this time, so I had to restrain myself from the mouth-watering beef and chicken. I filled up on a LOT of hummus. It was a nice break from the “free food (pizza)” events at OU. I brought my friend who has never been to any of the OU international events before, and she really enjoyed it!


Perhaps the difference this semester of the Talent Show compared to the other times was that they finally added English subtitles to the Arabic skits (jeje). The last two times I couldn’t follow along very well with the skits students made. The students are funny and I’ve started to realize some familiar common faces that like to take the spotlight! I love how these events bring the community together when it seems we could use a sense of it in this world.

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