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December 11, 2016

I have had a bunch of influences going hand-in-hand that have made me LOVE Latin American dance! I did join the ballroom class at OU to learn formal partner dancing (swing, foxtrot, waltz, etc), but after my first Latin dance social at the International Dance Studio in OKC, I realized how much attraction I had towards the sultry, sexy, and intimate appeal of Latin dance: bachata, salsa, tango, Argentine tango, merengue, and kizomba. 

Now of course I had to drag my friend, Savannah, into everything. Together, we discovered a new sense of confidence in ourselves and a fun way to express ourselves by the language of our bodies. 

Going to dance socials at iDance and Adelante helped me in immersing myself in Spanish culture in a fun way; I also got to practice and impress with my Spanish speaking skills along the way. I met new friends and my social skills have improved. I definitely plan on joining a social dance team at Salsa Maritza next semester as well as joining OU's Latin Dance club! 

My Latina Spirit Animal for el baile Awakens

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